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From $59.99/mo*
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internet delivered by wireless. Its time to get excellent customer support and quality internet from a local business who puts you first!

home internet service

from $59.99/mon* signup

Why Choose Spry?

An alternative to the mega cable and phone providers:

Spry provides the same quantity and quality of service as Time Warner, AT&T, and other mega providers that hold monopolies in some areas of the city.

If you are currently with Time Warner, AT&T, Clear, Texas Wireless, or using an AirCard, let us show you a faster, more affordable, local alternative. Unlike some wireless providers, Spry gets it internet connection from a fiber feed connected directly to the internet backbone. In other words, Spry gets its internet from the same place AT&T, or Time Warner gets theirs.

Guaranteed Lowest Prices

Let Spry do a quick FREE site survey of your home and show you how much you could save. We will give you more bandwidth for less money, guaranteed. And, with no contract, or lengthy agreements, if you are ever unsatisfied with our service you are not obligated to keep it.

Spry will even give you a FREE trial. Let us set up our service temporarily and show you that we can do everything, and more, than the competition can.

Need Fast Internet?

Spry Wireless has you covered with Austin's Newest Next Generation Wireless network.

Love our service or its FREE! When we say "love our service", what we mean the speed you pay for is the speed you will get. We dont offer packages "up to" a certain speed, we guarantee it. For example, If you purchase 10Mbps from Spry, you will ALWAYS get that amount or more, never less. You'll love an internet company that actually promises to deliver what you pay for.

A quick and easy installation to get you hooked up is only a call away. Our professional technicians will install and configure your network to provide you with blazing fast internet.